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Developer Guide

This page describes how to setup the project on your computer for local development. This guide should work on all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, or macOS).

Develop in GitPod

The easiest way to code on this project is to use GitPod, which lets you develop Bemuse in a cloud-based environment where all the dependencies are already installed from your web browser.

You can launch a workspace by going to the below link:

Develop in GitHub Codespaces

You can also develop Bemuse in GitHub Codespaces, which is a cloud-based development environment that is integrated with GitHub.

You can launch a workspace by going to the below link:

It will take about 4 minutes to launch the workspace. Once it is ready, you can start the development server by running the following command:

$ rush dev

Manual Setup

Windows, macOS and Linux

Prerequisite Check

Run these commands inside the Terminal (PowerShell/Command Prompt for Windows).

Git: You should see the version number:

$ git --version
git version 2.17.0

Node.js: You should see the version number:

$ node -v

Install Rush

We use Rush to manage the dependencies of this project, so we first need to install it.

$ npm install -g @microsoft/rush

Setting Up the Project

First, you should create a folder for Bemuse development:

$ mkdir Bemuse
$ cd Bemuse

Then, clone the Bemuse repository:

$ git clone

After these repository has been cloned, cd into the Bemuse repository:

$ cd bemuse

Install the project's dependencies using Rush:

$ rush update

Before running the development server, you will have to compile the subprojects that Bemuse depends on:

$ rush build --to-except bemuse

Running Bemuse

After everything is installed and all subprojects have been compiled, you can start the development server:

$ rush dev

The game should be accessible at http://localhost:8080/.

To run unit tests, go to http://localhost:8080/?mode=test.

Building Bemuse

To build the source code into a static web application, run:

$ node build-scripts build

The built files will reside in the dist directory.

Working on the project website

$ cd website
$ npm start